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Dumbo’s – Guide to Fight

A good fight scene is composed of a lot of smaller factors around the fight, other than just good combos, cinematography or effects.

One should have a purpose of showing two world views clashing, conflict or defining the character(s) in said fight scene. It represents a climax that the plot or scene has been building up to. Just as reality would suggest, no one starts a fight for no reason. Even psychopaths would become violent if it helps them get closer to their goal.

I believe both of these videos do an incredible job of explaining good fights way more than I could ever in this one blog

Some points I’d like to touch up on from the video to the right is that some animators and artist forget that one point mentioned of whether or not the audience should care about the fights. Good fights don’t need to include this, but great fights probably have this already. If you were to present two characters; A and B. A and B don’t like each other and for that reason they will fight. Questions you should be asking yourself while watching the fight unfold as the audience is

“Who are A and B”
“If A/B wins how will this affect the story/plot?”
“Do I want A to win or do I want B to win?”
“Why are A and B fighting?”
“Does the result of the fight change or develop character withing A and/or B?”


I think this animation by Challcy/Cyprim shows intent and purpose. While short and sweet, it gets the points of a good fight really well.

At first we are introduced to Calibrate, being sent out on a revival mission before an organization known as the MRCI gets their hands on it. Calibrate requests the help of another member from Palisade, An organization that GLO doesn’t agree with how they operate.

So before we even start the physical action, we already have a point of conflict. Calibrate and Kajid need the relic, GLO has information on the relic but refuses to share such valuable information, especially not to an organization that he sees as “One of the worst facilities ever made”

The constant taunting from GLO pulls Kajid into a fit of rage out of respect for the people he works for, and so the fight begins.




A good fight scene is still subjective at the end, but most of the memorable ones usually include more than just a couple kicks and punches thrown. Spice it up a little. Add some blocks, misses, grapples and most importantly, give the audience a reason why said characters are fighting in the first place. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure to always have fun!

About the author: GhostMM
I be doing things
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Torvo avatar
another thing is how to animate a fight but still it helped me alot, thx !
FlameWhirlwind avatar
This is gold! It's super useful. I will share it with my friends